It may be useful for a CRG's editorial office to keep a formal or informal record of the work experience and training of each editor. 对于一个合作评价团队的编辑办公室,保存一项正式或非正式的有关工作经验和每个编辑的训练的记录是很有用的。
Prelab reports are informal and should include any information you feel is necessary, a basic outline of your approach to the lab, and, if necessary, tables to record the information. 预习实验报告无统一格式且须包含写作者所认为必要的部分,像是实验方法的大纲。
Finally, an informal rulemaking record is fundamentally different from the adjudicative records that judges have traditionally reviewed. 最后,非正式的规则制定记录本质上不同于法官一直审查的审判记录。
No checklist, or informal record ( raw data) only. 没有核查单或只有非正式纪录。
Attention: The abbreviation in table above may be informal and adapted in this Record only. 注意:本对照表中的简称可能是非标准的,仅供本接种证对照使用。
Since even informal actions are now generally reviewed on an administrative record, the fact-finding capabilities of a trial court are not needed; 由于目前对于即使是非正式的行为通常也依据行政记录予以审查,因而使不再需要审判法院的事实认定的能力;
But now that informal actions are reviewed on the "administrative record," that functional distinction has lost its force. 但现在非正式的行政行动是根据“行政记录”予以审查的,有关的职能区分便失去了效力。